
Without aims, life is ‘dead’; without belief, aim is ‘aimless’.....

I am an Islamist from the science and technology background. I wish to present some of the lessons of Holy Qur’an in front of you with the proofs from modern science; so that it may help you to know that Qur’an is the Holy book from the real God.

I know; most of the people in the field of science and technology are going away from faith of God and Religion. The reason is nothing but, the myths and superstitions presenting by most of the religions. By studying science, the peoples come to know the meaningless rituals and superstitions of such religions. But Islam is the special case. As we study deep and deep the science, the faith will go in deep and deep.

Please note:

1. A lot of scientific lessons are there in Qur’an. Some of them have been proved, some of them are yet to prove; but none of them have been proved wrong. This only is enough to believe the Holy Qur’an is the words from God.

2. Qur’an reads: “If these are not the words from the God, you could find a lot of mistakes in it”.

3. Disturbing you is not my aim. So if you hate the truth, you can leave my messages.

4. I can’t forget the truth that most of Muslims in our society are also behind the myths and superstitions. So I never ask you to follow them; instead try to understand the Holy Qur’an which is still here without a change of word or even a spelling for last 14 centuries.

5. Even prophet was said: “You are having the duty to tell the truth to the people; even though you are not allowed to compel them to believe”.

· So you have the options to think, believe or reject.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

The Creation of Earth

"Do the Unbelievers not see that the skies and the earth were joined together, then I split them apart. And We made every living thing from water. Will they still not believe " [Al-Qu’ran 21:30]
                More than 13 centuries after arrival of Holy Qur’an..……

Big Bang theory came in 1949 (Fred Hoyle coined the term) and is saying the same thing as Qur’an had already said.

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